Business owner Steve Geddes has over 40 years professional rural lands experience and a lifetime of rural lands and farming knowledge. By using appropriate strategies, Steve identifies, plans and controls invasive and noxious species of plants and animals.


ISMS Mission

Our mission is to work with government departments, private landholders, business consortiums and other stakeholders to improve and restore Australian land. 



With a lifetime of local knowledge, having grown-up on and farmed a large landholding north of Tamworth, owner of ISMS, Steve Geddes has both practical know-how and professional qualifications. Steve can advise on best practice strategies to control invasive and noxious species of plants and animals.


our control methods

Using recommended control methods, a suitable solution is applied to each case. For plants, some of these control methods include both chemical options such as powered hand-spraying, basil bark and cut stumping and biological options such as using insects. 

For animals, a strategy is developed that considers the impact on stock and native species of fauna. Common methods of controlling pests include trapping, mustering, shooting and poisoning. 



Tertiary Education

  • Associate Diploma Agricultural Protection - Charles Sturt University


  • Drivers HR

  • Shooters AB

  • Boat Licence


  • Chainsaw Maintenance and Fell Trees

  • Biological Control of Weeds Certificate

  • Inspect and clean Machinery of plant, animal and soil Material

  • Recognise Plants and Grasses (Native and Non-Native)

  • Recognise Water and Aquatic Weeds

  • ChemCert AQ4F

  • RIW Cert

  • Global Positioning Service (GPS)

  • Legal Training for weed officers 1, 2, 3.

  • RTA Traffic Control

  • EWP Operator

  • Fundamentals of Project Management

  • Forklift Operator

  • EPA Certified


ISMS is fully insured and follows documented safety protocols and procedures.